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Merry Christmas!

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Dear Friends, As we celebrate Christmas, close out 2013, and look toward the New Year, I feel it’s appropriate to reflect on the blessings the year has brought. We live in the greatest country the world has ever known.  And though we’ve been through a lot of tough times – wars, civil unrest, economic…

Thank You

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Dear Friends, We live in a times of uncertainty – times of economic uncertainty, wars, civil unrest, acts of nature, and acts of man.  But even in spite of all of this, we Americans have so much for which to be thankful.  The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to remember these blessings.    In America, we are blessed with freedoms that make self-governance and…

Policy Update: Defunding Obamacare

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I support defunding Obamacare. I am proud to cosponsor Representative Tom Graves’ H.R. 2682, the Defund Obamacare Act, which  prohibits any funds from being spent on any activity to implement or enforce the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), rescinds any unspent balances that have already been appropriated for implementation, and turns off all mandatory spending…

Policy Update: Sequestration and the Military

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In 2011, Congress passed the Budget Control Act, which called for automatic, across-the-board spending cuts in the event that Congress was unable to make targeted reductions on its own.  In what has become typical fashion, leaders in Washington failed to reach an agreement, and sequestration went into effect, taking half of the mandatory spending…

Policy Update: The Rising Cost of a College Education

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Tags: Education

“Over the past three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year college has gone up by more than 250 percent -- 250 percent. Now, a typical family's income has only gone up 16 percent.” These are President Obama’s words during a speech at the University of Buffalo yesterday, where he outlined the administration’s plan to help make higher education more affordable. His solutions…

Policy Update: Immigration

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Our immigration system is in shambles.  We have an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in our country, a porous border, and a visa system that fails to meet the needs of American companies.  This fall, the House will address these issues when it considers the SAFE Act, the Legal Workforce Act, the AG Act, and the SKILLS Visa Act.  The Strengthen and Fortify…

Policy Update: Tax Reform

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These days, Congress doesn't agree on much.  But there is bipartisan support in Washington for comprehensive tax reform. In May, the House passed a budget resolution that set forth our vision for reform.  It called for consolidating the six individual income tax brackets into two brackets, a 10 percent bracket and a 25 percent bracket, and lowering the corporate tax…

Happy 4th!

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Dear Friends, Yesterday, Americans across the country celebrated our great nation’s 237th birthday.  July 4th is a day to honor the sacrifice, vision, and dedication of our founders who believed so strongly in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  And as we celebrate, we are reminded that was true in 1776 is still true today: freedom isn’t free. …

From the Front...

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  District Update | September 23, 2011 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email …