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Thank You

Dear Friends,

We live in a times of uncertainty – times of economic uncertainty, wars, civil unrest, acts of nature, and acts of man.  But even in spite of all of this, we Americans have so much for which to be thankful.  The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to remember these blessings.   

In America, we are blessed with freedoms that make self-governance and democracy possible, and we have an opportunity to create a better life for ourselves and our children.  But these freedoms are not free, and throughout our history, our nation has been called to defend our right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.  We are fortunate to have men and women who willingly, courageously, and selflessly serve to protect them.

Arkansans are especially blessed.  Not only do we enjoy America’s freedoms, but we live in a state whose beauty, hospitality, and rich history of entrepreneurialism are second-to-none. 

I could not be more grateful to serve as the voice for Arkansas’s Third District in the U.S. House of Representatives.  I take this responsibility and my constituents’ trust very seriously.  As we craft laws and work towards passing real reforms – including restoring fiscal discipline, easing the regulatory burden, and reforming our tax code and mandatory programs– to get America back on track, I always have the best interest of Arkansans in mind.

In addition to passing laws that make life a little easier for those in the Natural State, my staff and I work every day to help you navigate the bureaucratic maze and cut through red tape, so you can get answers from federal agencies.  This year, I’m proud to report assisting nearly 750 of you. 

Today on Thanksgiving, as I pause to consider the fortunes bestowed upon us, I count you as mine.  Thank you for your trust and the continued opportunity to serve you. 

Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless.

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District