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Womack, Cole at FY25 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Act Subcommittee Markup

Washington, DC—June 27, 2024…Today, the House Appropriations Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Subcommittee met to consider its Fiscal Year 2025 bill. The measure was approved by the Subcommittee.

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Subcommittee Chairman Steve Womack (R-AR) delivered the following remarks during the markup, “We have carefully allocated resources to the most critical missions at DOT and HUD.

"The bill prioritizes transportation safety – on our railways, roads and airways. And we ensure a responsible safety net with housing support for our most vulnerable citizens – especially the elderly, the disabled, veterans, and the working poor.

"We have cut or eliminated 14 grant programs at DOT and HUD, totaling nearly $3 billion in savings, compared to the enacted level.

"I believe we best serve our constituents by making targeted investments that create jobs and improve quality of life, while meeting our responsibility to get spending under control."

Full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are available here.

Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) delivered the following remarks, "The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development measure before us today responsibly funds our most critical transportation and housing needs.

"We ensure the safety of our airways, railways, and roads, while making targeted investments that improve opportunities for the traveling public and freight haulers...

"We prioritize these core missions at DOT and HUD while rejecting the Biden Administration’s proposals to expand government and impose excessive regulatory burdens."

Full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are available here.

A summary of the bill is available here.
Bill text is available here.
A table of included Community Project Funding requests is available here.