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Womack Votes to Reauthorize Aviation Safety and Infrastructure Programs

Washington, DC—May 15, 2024…Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) supported the Senate Amendment to H.R. 3935, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, which reauthorizes the programs of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the nation’s aviation safety and infrastructure programs for the next five years.

Congressman Womack said, “Critical to America’s economy, the aviation industry supports 11 million jobs and carries over 850 million passengers annually. Ensuring the safety of travelers is paramount. I’m proud to see the FAA Reauthorization Act pass with bicameral, bipartisan support. With increased competition worldwide, this legislation reauthorizes the necessary safety, innovation, and economic investments to ensure America remains the world’s gold standard in aviation.”

As Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD), Congressman Womack is responsible for oversight and funding of the FAA’s discretionary programs along with setting obligation limits for programs funded by the Airport and Airway Trust Fund. He will be holding a hearing on the FAA’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget request with FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker on May 23, 2024.


The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3935 on July 20, 2023. The U.S. Senate amended the bill and passed the Senate Amendment to H.R. 3935 on May 9, 2024. The House approved the updated version today, which is now headed to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law ahead of the May 17, 2024, deadline.

Bill breakdown:

  • Restructuring the FAA bureaucracy to improve efficiency, streamline the regulatory process, and promote innovation.
    1. Clarifies the roles of offices within the FAA.
    1. Streamlines the rulemaking process and closes rulemaking projects that are no longer relevant.
    1. Sets up an innovation office within the FAA.
    1. Creates an advocate for small businesses and other entities who have applications pending before the agency.
  • Improving the flight experience for passengers.
    1. Prohibits passenger vaccine and mask mandates.
    1. Makes improvements to the air traffic control system and infrastructure.
  • Investing in airport infrastructure.
    1. Authorizes $4 billion a year for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP).
    1. Cuts environmental red tape in accessing AIP process.
    1. Includes the most significant airport environmental streamlining effort in two decades, providing for greater certainty on project timelines.
  • Ensuring the United States remains the gold standard in aviation safety.
    1. Addresses cybersecurity risks, operational and certification risks, and requires the FAA to better utilize safety data to predict and mitigate risks.

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’ Third Congressional District since 2011. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.
