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Womack Votes Against Pelosi’s Payoff to Progressives Act

Washington, DC—February 27, 2021.... Congressman Steve Womack released the below statement after voting against H.R. 1319, the Democrats’ misguided $1.9 trillion partisan proposal. Only 9% of the legislation’s spending goes towards coronavirus health programs—with just 1% for vaccines—while a vast majority of the rest of the bill funds far-left political priorities unrelated to the pandemic. Preceding the dead-of-the-night vote, Womack also delivered a floor speech on the legislation:

“This legislation isn’t focused on defeating the coronavirus and restoring our economy. All it does is advance a monstrous list of long-held progressive priorities. More than 90% of the spending in this $1.9 trillion bill has nothing to do with pandemic health-related provisions. This is not free money. They are blindly cutting checks on the backs of future generations. Exploiting the nation’s crisis for an utterly partisan spending spree is no way to govern or help the American people.”

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’s Third Congressional District since 2011. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.



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