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Womack Announces 2024 State of the Union Guest: Miss America and Second Lieutenant Madison Marsh

Washington, DC—March 6, 2024…Congressman Steve Womack’s (AR-3) guest for the 2024 State of the Union Address on Thursday, March 7, will be Fort Smith native Madison Marsh. Marsh is the first active duty servicemember to be crowned Miss America.

Congressman Womack said, “Each year, I’m honored to bring someone to represent Arkansas’ Third District in our nation’s capital on one of the most notable nights of the year. U.S. Air Force Second Lieutenant Madison Marsh embodies the very best of our community—committed to serving our nation and finding a cure for pancreatic cancer. Her remarkable strength and story are an inspiration for all. I had the honor of nominating her to the Air Force Academy as a senior at Southside High School, and I have the honor now to bring her as Miss America to this year’s State of the Union Address.”

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