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Womack Votes to Freeze Funds to Iran

Washington, DC—November 30, 2023…Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) voted for H.R. 5961, the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, which imposes immediate, mandatory sanctions on any financial institution that engages in a transaction with the Qatari banks holding the $6 billion of Iranian funds, which effectively freezes this money.

Congressman Womack said, “Making concessions to Iran, the leading state sponsor of terror and brazen human rights abuser, while handing over billions for this evil regime to finance more terrorist attacks on Americans and our allies is reckless of the Administration. We must stand up against this evil force and disincentivize more hostage-taking. At a time when we know Iran’s proxies Hamas and Hezbollah are attacking American forces in the region and trying to destroy the State of Israel, it is remarkable to me the Administration needs this prodding. I voted for H.R. 5961 to cut off Iran’s dangerous flow of funds used for terrorism, developing nuclear weapons, and oppressing its people.”

In addition to supporting this legislation, Womack is a cosponsor of an amendment included in H.R. 5961, which freezes ALL Iranian-sanctioned funds, not just the $6 billion. This amendment also prohibits the President from using waiver authority on licenses, guidance, and FAQs used to lift sanctions. Last week, the Biden Administration announced a waiver that would allow Iraq to send $10 billion to Iran.

In October, Womack sent a letter to President Biden demanding he freeze the $6 billion in Iranian assets considering the deadly Hamas terrorist war on Israel.

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’s Third Congressional District since 2011. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.
