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ICYMI: Womack, Crawford, Hill, Westerman Introduce Bill to Designate Blytheville Air Force Base as National Cold War Center

Washington, DC—May 26, 2020….Today, Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) joined Congressman Rick Crawford (AR-1), Congressman French Hill (AR-2), and Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-4) in announcing the introduction of legislation to name the Blytheville/Eaker Air Force Base located in Blytheville, Arkansas the “National Cold War Center.” The air force base was established in 1942 as a World War II training center but became a line of defense against Soviets in 1957 when they developed their “alert mission” operations. When called upon, these airmen and women could be airborne in 15 minutes and ready to strike the Soviet Union, making the base a vital Cold War facility.

In September of 1991, the air force base became inactive and later re-opened as a museum. Eaker Air Force Base provides a unique experience to its visitors and is home to the only intact, publicly accessible Alert Facility and Weapons Storage Facility in the U.S.

Rep. Womack said, “Eaker Air Force Base was instrumental to U.S. defense strategy during the Cold War. It represents an important chapter in our history, and we should be preserving and honoring these security efforts for future generations. This designation affirms the fact that the museum is a valuable resource for residents and visitors alike.”

Rep. Crawford said, “For years, Eaker Air Force Base has kept alive the memory of those who were prepared to fight against the expansion of communism and lived under constant threat of nuclear obliteration. Giving this historical military base Congressional recognition will ensure that the museum is able to continue to teach it’s visitors about the Cold War for generations to come.”

Rep. Hill said, “As we approach Memorial Day weekend, I am reminded of the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform make every day to protect our freedom. Those who fought against communism in the Cold War were no exception. Eaker Air Force Base museum allows Arkansans and Americans to see firsthand how important military preparedness is to our nation. I am proud to work alongside my colleagues in the Arkansas delegation to rename Eaker Air Force Base and memorialize its legacy as the National Cold War Center for generations to come.”

Rep. Westerman said, “The Eaker Air Force Base is home to the only intact and publicly accessible Alert Facility and Weapons Storage Facility in the United States.  The work to preserve these historical articles from the Cold War will be an important resource for years to come. Designating this base and museum will help educate future generations on the history of our great nation’s fight for freedom against communism.”

The legislation was led by Crawford – with Womack, Hill, and Westerman supporting the bill as original cosponsors.

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’s Third Congressional District since 2011. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.



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