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Womack Offers Motion to Recommit on House Floor

Congressman Womack speaks on the House floor and offers Motion to Recommit to fix fatally flawed appropriations package

Washington, DC— June 19, 2019….Today, Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) offered a Motion to Recommit on the House floor. The amendment would have sent H.R. 2740, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, back to the Appropriations Committee in order to address longstanding problems with the bill. Corrections needed include setting realistic spending numbers, adding funding for humanitarian assistance at the border, removing poison pill provisions, and addressing defense and border security issues. Click here to watch Womack's floor speech calling for all members of the House to support the Motion to Recommit.

Congressman Womack: “My point is pretty simple: let’s send this bill back to the appropriators, and let’s work collectively to get a caps deal – so we can save our country from us.”


Appropriations legislation fast facts:

  • H.R. 2740 was written to an unrealistic topline funding level that is $176 billion above current budget caps.
  • Budget caps are set in law. Without a new agreement for FY2020, the U.S. will experience sequestration, which are automatic cuts to defense and domestic programs that would devastate our national defense.
  • House Democrats have refused to pass legislation brought up by House Republicans that would address the humanitarian crisis on the border 17 times. The funding denied by Democrats would:
    • Feed and shelter migrant families and unaccompanied children;
    • Fund urgent medical care and transportation; and
    • Pay for growing overtime costs for DHS men and women on the frontlines.
  • House Democrats have failed to produce a budget, debate a budget caps deal, or put forth appropriations legislation that could realistically be signed into law.

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’s Third Congressional District since 2011. He serves as the Ranking Member of the House Committee on the Budget and is a member of the House Appropriations defense and transportation, housing and urban development subcommittees.
