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Womack Introduces Terrorist Denaturalization and Passport Revocation Act

On Tuesday, January 6, 2015, Representative Steve Womack (AR-3) – along with Representatives John Duncan (TN-2), Robert Pittenger (NC-9), and Bruce Westerman (AR-4) –introduced H.R. 178, the Terrorist Denaturalization and Passport Revocation Act, to address the dangerous and unique threat to our homeland posed by U.S. citizens actively joining the ranks of terrorist organizations.  

Specifically, the Terrorist Denaturalization and Passport Revocation Act amends the Immigration and Nationality Act by including certain acts of allegiance to terrorist organizations as a renunciation of U.S. citizenship, which serves as grounds for denaturalization.  The bill also amends the Passport Act to provide increased mechanisms for the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security when it comes to the revocation of passports of U.S. citizens engaging in terrorist activities. 

Upon introduction, Congressman Womack released the below statement:

“When an American turns against their country by willfully traveling overseas to join forces with terrorists, a revocation of citizenship and the privileges it affords them is not only warranted, but necessary to ensure that these citizens are not able to freely re-enter the U.S. to carry out attacks on our homeland.”

The final text of the bill can be found here.
