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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Because of federal privacy laws, I will need your written permission to help you with your USCIS paperwork. To speed up this process, you may want to fill out the Authorization Form.

How can I find out the status of my paperwork with the USCIS?

  1. The first place to check is on any receipt notice you may have received from the USCIS. On that form there may be an estimated time of how long it will take to process the type of paperwork you filed. You should usually wait until that estimated time has passed before inquiring further. USCIS officials and my office are typically unable to check on any paperwork that is still within the normal processing time. If, however, you have a life or death emergency during this time that involves your USCIS paperwork, please contact my office as soon as possible to see if I can help.
  2. If the normal processing time has passed, you may contact my office and my aide will be glad to assist you by making an inquiry about your application to USCIS. If there is a problem with your application, contacting one of my Congressional liaisons at USCIS should allow me to determine where the problem lies and what necessary steps should be taken in order to solve the problem. If there is not a problem with your application, then this office will at least be able to assure you that it has not been forgotten, and that any delay may simply be the result of an increase in USCIS’s work load.
  3. The USCIS website is very convenient and easy to navigate. Many of your general questions or concerns regarding applications and standard immigration procedures may be found there. However, you are always welcome to contact my office if you would prefer to actually speak with someone about those questions and concerns. My staff is always glad to assist you in any way they can.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services