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Womack Speaks Out Against H.R. 1

Washington, DC—March 2, 2021....Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) this morning delivered remarks during debate on H.R. 1, House Democrats’ latest scheme to federalize elections. The partisan legislation is bad policy that will line the pockets of politicians by publicly funding campaigns, weaken safeguards for voter registration, and violate First Amendment rights. It’s a dangerous overreach that seeks to nullify states’ rights to administer elections.

Watch Congressman Womack’s floor speech here.

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

“Madam Speaker, you don’t need to identify as a Republican or a Democrat to want free and fair elections. Frankly, ask any American, and I’m pretty sure they’ll agree that the cornerstone to any legitimate democracy is the ability to freely choose their leaders.

“I’m also pretty sure they’ll agree that money has a way of corrupting just about anything—including elections. Which is why I shake my head at the language in this bill that provides a 6-1 match for donations up to $200.

“Last Congress, they tried to do it with taxpayer money. That didn’t go over so well, so now they try again—this time with some crazy shell game to accomplish the same.

“I also believe that most Americans will agree that the right to vote is among the most precious we have.

“It’s more important than getting on an airline.

“More important than buying an adult beverage.

“More important than cashing a paycheck at the local bank.

“Why we would weaken our ability to prove certain the identities of people voting in our elections is a mystery to me.

“Trying to convince us that H.R. 1 is “for the people” is like saying you’re with the federal government and you’re here to help us.

“No thank you.

“I yield back the balance of my time.”

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’s Third Congressional District since 2011. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.



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