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Womack Applauds FEMA’s Reconsideration of Johnson and Franklin Counties

Washington, July 8, 2011 | J.R. Davis ((202) 225 - 4301)
On Friday evening, after an appeals process, President Obama issued a major disaster declaration for Johnson and Franklin Counties in the State of Arkansas, triggering the release of Federal funds to help individuals and communities recover from the severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that occurred during May 24-26.

On Friday evening, after an appeals process, President Obama issued a major disaster declaration for Johnson and Franklin Counties in the State of Arkansas, triggering the release of Federal funds to help individuals and communities recover from the severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that occurred during May 24-26. 

Congressman Steve Womack met privately with FEMA officials shortly following their initial decision not to declare Johnson and Franklin Counties disaster areas. Womack’s office was assisted by the office of Congressman Mike Ross and worked closely with other members from the Arkansas delegation.

Congressman Womack released the following statement upon learning of FEMA’s decision:

    "I am appreciative of FEMA’s reconsideration. Their eventual determination was the correct one and the same conclusion we’ve known all along. These two counties deserve to have full access to the funds available to help them get back on their feet. As I said when Johnson and Franklin Counties were first denied, it would be hard to imagine what more these communities must go through to get the relief they deserve.

    “Again, I want to thank FEMA for its reevaluation and I want to congratulate the leaders of both counties for their hard work and diligence in representing the interests of those they serve.”







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